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THE LEADERSHIP LENS: The 7 People You Need in Your Life

Welcome to Episode #5 of the Max Yao Leadership Podcast! My guest today is a fascinating leader who joins us from Portland, Oregon. Dr. Richard Osibanjo is a leading expert, author, executive coach, program facilitator, and keynote speaker in transformational leadership and senior team performance. His work centers on helping senior leaders energize their organizations with bold, transformational strategies that unlock human potential and new market growth. He currently serves as Director, Organizational Transformation, and Chief of Staff at Intel Corporation. Dr Osibanjo holds a PhD in Chemistry from the university of California. But today he is going to talk to us about a different kind of chemistry. In a recent article published on Forbes Dr. Osibanjo presents The Leadership Lens, which refers the 7 people leaders need around them to improve their understanding of themselves and of the situation they are dealing with and make better decisions.