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Right Leader, Right Time

Welcome to episode 12 of The Max Yao Leadership Podcast.

My guest today is a brillant leader, entrepreneur and author, Robert Jordan. In this conversation, we talk about his book Right Leader, Right Time.

"Right Leader, Right Time" is a comprehensive guide on leadership styles and their impact on organizational success, written by Robert Jordan and his business partner Olivia Wagner. The book is based on their decade-long research, during which they interviewed thousands of leaders and matched top executives with struggling or high-growth organizations. Their findings led them to identify four unique leadership styles – Fixer, Artist, Builder, and Strategist (FABS) – that, when applied correctly, can significantly enhance the success of both the leader and the organization.

The book delves into each of the four FABS leadership styles, providing real-world stories, winning habits, and techniques from over 120 leaders to illustrate the mindset, approach, and drive associated with each style. In-depth profiles of four leaders who have achieved outstanding success by embracing their unique leadership talents are also featured, offering readers valuable insights and inspiration.

"Right Leader, Right Time" includes checklists to help readers quickly identify their dominant and secondary leadership styles and presents three pillars that unite FABS leaders. These pillars enable companies to effectively match the right leader with the right role at the right time, paving the way for a successful and collaborative environment.

Readers will also find a wealth of practical resources, including a bonus FABS Leadership Assessment available at By taking this assessment, readers can discover their own leadership style and learn how to act in alignment with their highest and best use, empowering them for success in various organizations, stages, and situations.

By providing an insightful and research-backed framework for understanding and applying diverse leadership styles, "Right Leader, Right Time" is an invaluable resource for aspiring and established leaders alike.